Minutes of the Delegates Meeting of
Saturday, December 1st, 2001
Groups in attendance.

In attendance for Queens Intergroup:
Chairperson - Peter C.
Vice Chairperson - Elizabeth G.
Day Phone Coordinator - Chris
Office Manager - Frank R.
Secretary - Greg F.
Vice Treasurer - Bob C.
Meeting Book Chairperson - Hank G.
Newsletter Chairperson - Al D.

10:05 A.M. The Meeting was opened by the Chairperson with the reading of The Second Tradition. He reminded those present that this was the 10th Anniversary of Queens Intergroup. Upon his request for a show of hands, it was found that only 14 Group Service Representatives ¹ were present. As no business could be conducted, the Meeting then became an informational and discussion Meeting.

Secretary - Group agreed to waive reading of the Minutes. One member spoke of problems with accessing the Web site.

Vice Treasurer - Reports that the Treasurer was unable to attend. The members were given copies of 4 financial statements. Reviews given for the Thanksgiving Share-A-Thon revenues and the Meeting Book sales. Some funds have not yet been deposited ². There were no questions concerning these reports and those present indicated that they were acceptable.

The Vice Chairperson and The Newsletter Chairperson both had nothing new to report.

Office Manager - Reports that; the system in place for having Share-A-Thon refreshments provided by the Groups, worked well, and everything went "fine". As the Office rental does not include heat, he will look into buying heaters. At this point the chairperson said he will revise the Group Commitment sheets to one sheet for each day. He expressed concerns that altering the length of the 6 hour commitments would have a negative impact on the "not desirable" 12 - 6 A.M. spot.

Day Phone Coordinator - Thought it would be better to have more volunteers serve at the Office. He Provided the 917-875-9336 Voice Mail phone number to the membership.

Night Phones - The Chairperson indicated he had a volunteer for this position and will relinquish these duties to her.

Meeting Book Chairperson - January mailing will make it possible for the Groups to provide their input for the new Meeting Book. There will be a form to return to update their listing. Web page is being kept current, and a listing by Zip Code will become available.

Frank R. informed us that Ronnie wants to volunteer as the Literature Chairperson and Susan has volunteered for the overnight phones. The Steering Committee will vote on appointing Ronnie to her position temporarily . Ronnie indicated that she opens the Meeting for her Home Group on Tuesdays, and that she will try to find someone to take over that commitment on the Tuesday that the Steering Committee meets.
The membership did not express any dissatisfaction with the actions and/or intentions of theBoard and no one brought up any other matters. Since there were no further questions,
the Meeting was closed at 10:32 A.M.

¹ 13 Groups signed in : Bayside Hills, Bellerose Hope, Cambria Heights, Flushing Splinter, Glendale, Hardheads, New Life, Pathway To Freedom, Richaven Splinter, Sobriety First, South Ozone Park, Universal Springfield, and Whitestone.

² It was later determined that these funds were mostly loose coins, and that we were in need of coin wrappers.